Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The public insertion at Movie Towne, 3/11/09

The public insertion at West Mall, 3/11/09

Proyecto Capital

Este proyecto parte de la observaciòn. En los recorridos hechos caminando
por la ciudad de Puerto España es posible encontrar una gran cantidad de monedas
en el suelo, aparentemente insignificantes para la mirada local, pero para la mirada forànea
resulta llamativo en comparacion con la ciudad de Bogota y otras ciudades.
La idea es recolectar las monedas de la calle y registrar el proceso para
luego hacer una instalaciòn que pretende despertar reflexiones frente a este gesto de arrojar
y recoger para luego reinsertarlas en la sociedad cambiando el valor capital por el valor simbòlico.

Proyecto Capital

This project is based on observacion. On our daily route
through Port of Spain it is possible to find a large amount of
money in the streets. Apprently insignificant to the local eye. but to the
foreign eye it suggests a comparison with the city they came from, Bogota, and other cities.
The idea is to collect the money and document the
process to later make an installation. It seeks to make one reflect on the
gesture of throwing away coins and collecting them to then re-insert them
in the society; changing its capital value for a simbolic one

Monday, November 2, 2009

Proyecto Capital Concept

Proyecto Capital
is a collective between two Colombian artists, Alejandro Mina and Mar Molano, and local artist Michelle Isava.

Together they have been collecting the coins that decorate the streets of the Port of Coins. It is based on the way foreign eyes see differently. Michelle Isava has been acting as the intermediary between the foreign and the local as she herself is half and half; with a family background from Venezuela but by birth a Trinidadian.

Once Mar Molano had discovered that the coins were everywhere they felt compelled to start collecting them.

The plan therefore of this collaboration is to install mountains of coins
in various locations around the Port of Spain and document
the people's reaction to them.

There will be a final installation at Alice Yard ( , in the capital of Trinidad, starting on the 6th of November 2009 at 7pm. The installation will run until the weekend.